
Music Playlist at

Thursday, 28 February 2013

This is the photo I am using as the background for this part. The de-focused background makes Callum stand out a lot more, which I done by selecting around him and adding a Gaussian Blur on Photoshop

Friday, 22 February 2013

This is the page once I have added images, and cut them from their original backgrounds to leave a plain white background (which I like)
This will be the basic layout of the text page of my article, using lines to frame the text and images

Sunday, 17 February 2013

I made some changes to my front cover, I removed the backgrounds behind the smaller text, replaced the website link and I enlarged the main picture, and made him more prominent which I think makes it a whole lot better

Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Finally some last additions such as a screenshot from a video I had taken, a website and a barcode for authenticity. Finished!

Saturday, 9 February 2013

Now some small additions such as the "Poster Special" and the issue number and price up the right hand side
Then I added subheadings for everything else that will be featured within
Now I've added the title of the main article within my magazine, using the same font as the name of the magazine
Now I've added the magazine title and placed Callum in front of it, since he is the main focus of the cover
This is the main image used for the cover, a combination of two separate images, where I cut Callum out of a white background with the magnetic lassoo tool and put him onto the underpass background

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

This is two separate photos combined to make one, I didn't like having a plain background so I went and took a photo of a nearby underpass, which creates an urban, derelict feel suitable to the rock/grunge style of the magazine
This is a photo I have taken of my friend Callum doing a backflip in an urban area which I have used as an advert on the front page

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

This is what it looks like with the blur and enlargement
This is the photo I will use for the first page of my feature article, I plan to enlarge it to focus more on Callum, and also add a lens/gaussian blur to the background, again to add focus to Callum

Selected Cover Photo

I will be using this photo as the main photo on my front cover as it is a good medium long shot of the main artist, and will be easy to edit and manipulate

Monday, 4 February 2013

Magazine Title Font

I am deciding between these two fonts to use for the title font of my magazine front cover. The first one is Base 02 and the second one is Heroin 07 (dodgy title I know) and both are from .

Whichever one I decide to use for the main title, I will use the other as subtitles/headings